This garage door was the first we installed on Nantucket Island in Massachusetts, an offshore installation requiring a certain level of preparation. Note matched white cedar. The photo above is one of our first large doors. The windows were cut into the section and a sill added.
Customer was great to work with, he really knew what he wanted. As a contractor, he understood building design and we were delighted to implement the design he gave us. Above, you can see how the owner / contractor designed oversized garage door matches the building, also of his own...
This owner knew exactly what he wanted: a garage door 7' high in just three sections. Our preference is to break such a door into 4 sections, for smoother operation. This is our only three section in 7' high out there. Five years later, door is still operating satisfactorily. This...
It took a while to come up with a design for this remodel. The owner trusted us to simulate two smaller doors while maintaining the same size door. We used a false center post which protrudes two inches above the surface of the door, creating a shadow that fools the...
Note arched horizontal center munton. The architect designed these doors so that the top of the windows become part of the header and trim for opening, thus creating a flawless look to the entire structure. As seen in the photo above, the curved window panel was innovative,
Designed by owner. Owner and contractor were a pleasure to work with. Owner very kindly commented on our 'artistic' approach to designing our doors! In the photo above, it is hard to decide which looks better; The House or the Garage! We think our door makes a difference.
At 1147 lbs, this is one of the heavier doors we ever built. Do not try this at home! Structurally this pushed everything to the limit but has worked very well. Four years later, the door is still delivering reliable service and the owner is very happy with it. Moulton...
Once again, these wide doors require more engineering and some finess in order for them to operate in a truly reliable fashion. As seen in the photo above, this door was designed by the architect to represent a multiple horizontal panel door to match the rest of the building. Designed...
Owner dubbed this building 'The Garage-Mahal' due to the two massive doors we installed, as seen in the above photo. In the rear of the building are two smaller doors to finish up this car collecter's beautiful collection hall. All doors were highlifted 36" to the ceiling to furnish maximum headroom...
Scroll down this page for a great shot of how our custom weather seal works. It was fun to be part of this project. The owners were very happy and the crew was great to work with. We matched the look of the siding of the home with what we...
An economical alternative to a fully covered door, as you can see in the photo above, the detail layer was applied directly to the base door. Hence the horizontal section break lines in the panels are more visible. The overall look was achieved to the owner's satisfation. Actually, they were...
A convincing false center post design has once again turned out to be the best solution when trying to come up with an architecturally correct double wide door. Our work for this owner on previous jobs earned us the trust to do what we felt was needed to match and...
Our first door in the North East in the White River Valley, a classic Slider design. The owner wanted a 'Slider' look and to leave them to weather a bit.
As seen in the above photo, these contractor designed doors were crafted to fit into the rustic look of a Southern Vermont Log Cabin home and free-standing garage. They feature single windows in the second section.
These doors were designed by the owner, who desired high insulation. They feature a Knee Braced opening and Sun Burst window grills. As seen in the above photo, no detail was spared on these highly insulated doors. The vertical siding was matched to give a seamless look and the...
These swing doors aren't swingers at all, even with the strap hinges and pulls. Moulton Custom Door came up with the design and included a 1/4" gap between the center boards to make the 'Swing' look more convincing. Our goal when it comes to creating a...
This R 9 door was designed by Chris Tissot of Tissot Constrution for the garage of the owners ATV Gater. The house is located on an island. The beauty of Mother Nature sometimes cannot be duplicated, but she's kind enough to provide the materials. These cedar doors incorporate bark from...
FBN Construction of Framingham Massachusetts. Designed by the architect. These R9 rated insulated doors were built with true divided light using a "restoration" pattern to simulate distorted antique glazing with storm windows inside. You can see this classic carriage house with overhead doors, true divided light windows and a curved header...
These doors designed by the builder, executed by MCDV. When a home has the garage attached to the main building, keeping the overall look of the entire property consistent is critical. Our doors certainly help keep this clean yet rustic look uniform throughout.
This is an R9 rated insulated garage door, designed by the architect. Technically, this door had to store with very low headroom. A challenging pattern design, these 8' x 8's have a diagonal pattern through the sections, yet you can't see the breaks! Note: Three years after installation, the...